Tuesday, March 2, 2010

اول الخطوات على سلم الربح من الانترنت

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

مفهوم عمليه الربح من الانترنت : شرح بالتفصيل

شركآت الربحيه وطرق كيفيه تحصيل الاربآح عبر الانترنت

فى هذه الفتره الحآليه قد ظهر عدد كبير جدآ من الشركآت التى تسمى نفسهآ

شركآت الربح من الانترنت

وقد وجد العديد من هذه الموآقع على شبكه الانترنت ولكن يوجد من هذه الشركآت

الشركآت التى تملك المصدآقيه فى الدفع

والشركآت المحتآله

تعريف بسيط بعمليه الربحيه عن طريق هذه الشركآت

هذه الشركآت لاتدفع أموال فى الهوآء ولكن بمقآبل والمقآبل هو

العمل الترويجى لأعلانآت الشركه

مثآل : كيف تربح الشركه من خلالك وكيف تربح أنت من خلال الشركه

توجد بعض المصطلحآت الهآمه التى يتوجب عليك فهمهآ والتى تستطيع الربح من خلالها

شركآت الربح عن طريق الايميل

من أفضل الموآقع فى هذآ المجآل


شركآت الربح عن طريق النقر على البآنرآت

بعض المصطلحآت التى تستخدم فى جميع او معظم هذه الشركآت
- ptr - ptc - pts -

ptr : قرآءت الايميلات وزيآره الموآقع المرسله اليك عن طريق الايميل

ptc : النقر على البانرات المعلن هنا للشركآت وزيآرتهآ

pts : التسجيل فى الشركآت المعلن عنهآ

وأخيرآ بمآ يسمى الرآبط الربحى الخآص بك وهو


وهو الرابط الترويجى الخاص بك لأعلانآت الشركه المشترك بهآ

قبل البدء والعمل فى هذه الشركآت يتوجب ان يكون لديك بعض الحسآبآت

الخآصه بمعآملآت استقبآل وتحويل الأموآل عبر الانترنت

وهى حسآبآت يتم فتحهآ مجآنى

وتوجد ثلاث شركآت من أقوى وأشهر الشركآت المعروفه فى هذآ الجآنب

يمكنك فتح حسآبك الآن من هنآ

ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــ

الآن يمكنك البدء فى تحصيل أربآحك عبر الانترنت

وهذه الشركات من أفضل وأصدق الشركآت فى هذآ المجآل : أبدأ العمل الآن واحصل على دخل شهرى ثابت

NEO BUX_Donkeymails
لا ترهق نفسك بالعمل فى الكثير من الشركات فقط حدد مجهودك على افضل واصدق الشركات السابقه
طريقه كيفيه التسجيل فى جميع هذه الشركآت متشآبها

وهى كالآتى

Username : اسم المستخدم

Password : الرقم السرى

Confirm Password : اعاده كتابه الرقم السرى

Email Address : البريد الالكترونى الخاص بك

Confirm Email Address : اعاده كتابه البريد الالكترونى الخاص بك

Your Country : بلدك

Payment - Alertpay - e-gold - pay pal : وهو حساب البنك الالكترونى الخاص بك

Referrer : يترك كمآ هو كوسيلة شكرا لمن ارشدك للموقع

Sunday, January 31, 2010

He should have been dewormed by the breeder at least 3 times if not 4 times before leaving them. Most breeders start deworming pups at 14 days old, because the pups get round worms from the dam's milk (even if she has been dewormed and is in excellent health ). Then the pups are dewormed every two weeks............

Call the vet, the dewormer isn't expensive and a breeder should be shot for not deworming their litter properly, considering it is such a minor expense.
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Monday, September 28, 2009

The Greatest Pain in our Life

The Greatest Pain in our Life


The greatest pain in life
is not to die, but to be ignored

To lose the person you love so
much to another who doesn't care at all

The greatest pain in life, is not to die, but to be forgotten

For friends to always be too busy to console you when you need
someone to lift your spirits

When it seems like the only person who cares about you, is you

Life is full of pain, but does it ever get better

Will people ever care about each other,and make time for those who are in need?

Each of us has a part to play
in this great play we call life

Each of us has a duty to mankind
to tell our friends we love them

If you do not care about your friends
you will not be punished

You will simply be ignored... forgotten... as you have done to others


i hope u like it all..cuz it has alot of meanings..

Always Have A Dream

Forget about the days
when its been cloudy, but
don't forget your hours in the sun

Forget about the times
you've been defeated, but
don't forget the victories you've won

Forget about mistakes
that you can't change now, but
don't forget the lessons
that you've learnt

Forget about misfortunes
you encounter, but
don't forget the times
your luck has turned

Forget about the days
when you've been lonely, but
don't forget the friendly smiles you've seen

Forget about the plans
that didn't seem
to work out right, but

Don't forget to Always Have A Dream !

Ladies First

Ladies First

It is common to hear the expression 'ladies first'. Women, in particular, daily repeat it as if it is a rule. They actually feel proud of it, unknowing its origin and its real indications. They think it is praise to them, while it is a shame to be said according to its origin

The story of this saying took place in Italy. It is about two lovers who loved each other so much. They decided to marry. But some social circumstances and relatives block the way of their marriage. They did not accept this and intentionally decided either to live together as husband and wife, or to die together

Having done best to achieve the marriage, they got disappointed. Dying together was the only option. They thought about a number of ways to commit the suicide

Throwing themselves into the sea was the appropriate way to them. The man sincerely said he would not bear the situation of seeing her drowning to death in front of his eyes. He convinced his beloved that he would throw himself first and then she would do so latter

In the rush moment, the man did it and drown. The lady was looking at him as if he was 'singing'. The man was dead. It was the lady's turn to follow him to live together underneath, as they decided. But she soon broke her promise, forgetting her sweetheart who was dying in front of her eyes and in heart as well

She 'threw herself back to the village'. Yes! Her promise was to throw herself. And she did, but to the village instead of the sea

She came back home, to her relatives as if nothing has happened. Few days later, she fell in love with another man. She was happy with him as if it was her first love. It did not take a lot of time till she got married to him

Since then, people start doubting ladies and start repeating the saying 'ladies first', with the implication that ladies should throw themselves into the sea first, should die first, because they are not trustworthy

It is really interesting when one hears a lady proudly says 'ladies first', thinking that she adds a privilege for being a female. Some people, men and women, take it as a social rule, unknowing its real indications.

This is not a personal point of view. It is not, moreover, a personal interpretation of the story. It is what many sources say and interpret the original story. So, women please forgive me for shedding light on this

I do only a favor for women so that to be aware of when to say 'ladies first' and when not to say. For me, I don’t care if I hear a woman saying this. I way ignore or pretend deafness. But others may take it a matter of satire

Having known this, women may reject this saying. They may claim that 'Ladies last' is better

This saying has been common for several years. And men never reject it. Though the proverb has a negative implication on women, men do really accept it as it is, following it as a matter of respect to women whenever they come across

See the difference, men do not feel teased whenever women shout for being 'the first', unknowing its real implications. But the case is taken differently by women when the verse happens

In spite of this, men will not change their respect and intimacy to women. They will take women to be first when they positively look at 'ladies first'. And similarly, they will insist to make 'ladies last' when it is negative to put them at first. The problem, however, lies in women themselves who do not accept everything normally as it is

Women claim to be first. They do not take it normally whether to be first or last. Men, on the other hand, accept women to be first not for the saying 'ladies first' but for the social respect of men towards women

So it is only a matter of respect. It is not a rule, and it is better to be not a rule because it will be a negative aspect of women

Spotlighting on this is not to provoke the matter between men and women. But it is to learn a lesson that both are 'first and both can be last'. There must be mutual acceptance and integration between the two sexes. So this is a call firstly for women, because of "ladies first", and secondly for men to look at the matter through the mind's eye

Positive and Negative

Positive and Negative

* * * * * * *

Positive: Think about a solution

Negative: Think about the problem

* * * * * * *

Positive: Endless Ideas

Negative: Endless Excuses

* * * * * * *

Positive: Helps Others

Negative: Helped by Others

* * * * * * *

Positive: Sees a Solution for each problem

Negative: Sees a Problem for each Solution

* * * * * * *

Positive: Solution Hard but possible

Negative: Solution Possible but Hard

* * * * * * *

Positive:Achievement is an accountability

Negative: Achievement is a Promise

* * * * * *
Positive: Has Dreams He Needs to Fulfill

Negative: Has Disillusions He Needs to Get Rid of.

* * * * * *
Positive: Treat others as you want to be treated

Negative: Fool others before they fool you

* * * * * *

Positive: Sees Gain in Work

Negative: Sees Pain in Work

* * * * * *

Positive: Sees the Possible in the Future

Negative: Sees the Impossible in the Future.

* * * * * *

Positive: Selects what to Say

Negative: Says what he Selects

* * * * * *

Positive: Strong Discussion with Soft Language

Negative: Soft Discussion with Strong Language

* * * * * *

Positive: Holds on Values and Forgoes Casual Issues

Negative: Holds on Casual Issues and Forgoes Values

* * * * * *

Positive: Makes Events

Negative: Made by Events

he best qualities of good friend

The best qualities of good friend

A good friend is a blessing from heaven.He should have a good character that reflects his good manners.He is honest and faithful to his friend and is always ready to stand by him and back him in any crisis.Therefore,he is reliable and fulfills his promise.The wisdom says"A friend in need is a friend indeed".

On the other hand, a really good friend is tolerant.He tolerates others and doesn't criticize but tactfully advises his friend when he need advise.A good friend is good patriot.He loves his country and does his best to serve his fellow citizens and never thinks of betraying them.